Risk & Progress| A hub for essays that explore risk, human progress, and your potential. My mission is to educate, inspire, and invest in concepts that promote a better future. Subscriptions are free, paid subscribers gain access to the full archive, including the Pathways of Progress and Realize essay series.
Physics is the law; everything else is a recommendation. Everything that is, ever was, and will be, is bound by the obscure mathematics that governs the cosmos. We should understand this fact as liberating, not constraining, for it opens the door to endless possibilities and human potential. In this exploration of the fundamentals of “progress,” I often reference the concepts of “matter,” “energy,” and “entropy.” Understanding progress from these first principles is crucial to understanding where we are, how we got here, and where we are going.
Understanding Entropy
We begin our discussion with the concept of “entropy.” Entropy is a consequence of the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The First Law of Thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed. The Second Law states that in an isolated system “entropy” will never decrease. These are universal truths, physical laws that cannot be broken. Technically, entropy describes the dispersion of heat in a system. At the risk of oversimplification, we might think of entropy as a measure of “disorder,” the higher the entropy, the more disorder. In our universe, everything always trends from order to disorder. This concept is a fundamental property acting on everything we are, everything we do, and everything that happens to us. It’s why we cannot “uncrack” an egg, for instance, or why a hot mug left always cools down.
Another way to think of entropy is to think in terms of probabilities. Imagine you are given a box of puzzle peices. Should you dump the pieces onto a table, will they land perfectly ordered into their final picture? Almost certainly not; the pieces will land in a disordered fashion. Why? While it is technically possible to dump the pieces out and for them to fall and arrange themselves into the final picture, the probability of this happening is inestimably small. There is only one way for the pieces to organize themselves into the final image, but there are nearly infinite ways for them to land in the “wrong” order. Similarly, if you build a sandcastle on the beach and return a few days later, your sandcastle is probably long gone, the grains of sand returned to a random arrangement of particles on the beach. There are nearly infinite ways of arranging sand grains on a beach, but few that will build your castle. The universe, absent intervention, will always return the order to disorder.
It’s important to understand that while a collection of atoms will succumb to entropy, a specific arrangement of atoms can resist it: life. Using energy, life brings order from chaos. Cells absorb nutrients, build complex organelles, divide, and reproduce. Trees absorb the energy of sunlight, growing taller and wider, and creating structures of order that stand up against the inevitability of entropy. To be clear, this does not mean that life violates the laws of physics. Organisms can counter entropy because they are not isolated systems, a requirement of the second law of thermodynamics. Life carves a slice of order from the disorder. Indeed, this desire for order may be so deeply rooted in biology that we are naturally wired to be attracted to counter-entropic forms, from flowers to architecture.
Among life today, however, humans are unique. Our large brains and ability to communicate through vocal vibrations enable us to plan, wonder, reason and spread knowledge. As far as we know, we are the only arrangement of atoms capable of discovering and understanding the very laws of the universe that constrain us. As we will see, humans need not wait on genetics to adapt; we readily acquire and diffuse counter-entropic knowledge. And while we cannot counter entropy forever as individuals, as a species, we can do so for a nearly infinite time. This struggle against entropy gives us purpose and is what fundamentally defines progress. Progress is our never-ending endeavor to carve a slice of order from the disorder.
Matter and Energy
We carve this order out of “matter.” We construct skyscrapers of steel that rise to the heavens, we transform sand particles into glass, and we develop molecules that help our bodies overcome disease. This counter-entropic mission crucially requires “matter” and “energy.” I will often refer to these as two distinct concepts, but bear in mind, this is shorthand. Reality is complex and “matter” is difficult to define. We often think of “matter” as that which has “mass,” but not all “matter” has mass! “Matter” is better thought of as a measure of intrinsic energy content, or “bound energy.” From this “intrinsic energy,” we can get mass, the “stuff” we can feel with our hands, manipulate, and build from.
How can “energy” have mass? We get mass in two ways. First, from the mass of elementary particles, like quarks, that comprise the innards of atoms, when they interact with the “Higgs Field.” The Higgs Field is a kind of “energy field” that permeates all space. The more the elementary particle interacts with the Higgs Field, the greater its “mass.” Note that some particles, like photons, don’t interact at all and therefore have no mass. We don’t know why this is; like entropy itself, this appears to be a mathematical property written at the universe’s inception. Over 99 percent of an atom’s mass, however, is not found in the particles, but rather in the energy that “glues” them together. The energy that holds quarks together, for example, is mediated by massless particles known as “gluons.” This “strong force,” as it is known, bends spacetime, creating gravity and what we perceive as “mass.” Additionally, the separate “strong nuclear force” that keeps protons and neutrons glued together, also contributes to an atom’s mass.
Matter and energy, therefore, while not the same, are not entirely distinct. In fact, Einstein’s famous equation, E=mc², was originally written as m=E/c², illustrating that mass is a measurement of the energy contained within a body. This property explains why we can build nuclear reactors that split atoms to release energy. It’s also why we can create atomic weapons that unleash unfathomable destructive power. It also means that all energy contributes to mass; a compressed spring and a charged battery, for instance, are heavier because they contain more energy; the difference is just too small for us to notice. Philosophically we might think of “matter” as the universe’s means of confining energy so we can build useful forms, while “energy” is a property that describes behavior (motion energy, potential energy…etc).
Matter and energy won’t do much of their own accord, however, we also need knowledge. A skyscraper won’t rise on its own. We need to know how to build it. We need to know how to precisely control the carbon content of iron to make steel with the correct properties. Someone had to invent the steel girder, the crane, the elevator, the bolt, and countless other innovations to make this counter-entropic form possible. What we call “technology” is the use of knowledge to create beneficial counter-entropic forms; utilizing matter and energy for human ends. It’s how we learned, for example, how to use energy to replenish depleted soils with nitrogen fixation and produce more food. It’s how we learned to create small, rapid, and contained explosions to build engines to do work that humans could not.
Knowledge, unlike matter and energy, is infinite. The only limitation is how fast we can accumulate it. I will argue that human society and what we call the “economy” is one giant “social supercomputer,” taking in massive amounts of input data and producing voluminous output data in return. This ceaseless compute is a search for answers to ever more complex counter-entropic riddles. It’s the search for new knowledge that expands the capabilities of our species. In the long run, what we call “economic growth,” therefore, is merely a measure of the growth in the total stock of human knowledge in a given period.
Only with continued technological advancement, with expanded counter-entropic capabilities, can we sustain the light of human consciousness. One day, an exhausted Sun will expand and boil Earth’s oceans, if not consume the Earth entirely. When this happens, all life on the pale blue dot will end, and its counter-entropic beauty will cease. The only hope for life is us. Progress has bequeathed our species with nearly limitless technological capability. With this power, the power of knowledge, we have the potential to leave this planet, taking life with us to other star systems. We often ask, why are we here? What is our purpose? My answer is, as good stewards of Earth, we are here to spare life total annihilation from that fusion engine in the sky.
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